Symphony Of Beautiful Minds

Biographical, Philosophy, Societal commentary, Technology, Business, Politics, Health, Traveling, Education @cosmic.brilliance

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Monday Oct 11, 2021

Matt Crevin joins the podcast to discuss life growing up, his career and evolution in sports, his TALKSHOP company, and much more. Visit his website at

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021

ParentsUSA Executive Director and General Counsel, David DeLugas, joins the podcast to discuss the U.S Criminal Justice System, ParentsUSA, parenting in America and why ParentsUSA was founded, the George Floyd and Eric Garner incidents, and more. You can learn more and donate to ParentsUSA by visiting

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021

Emmy Award Winning Sports Journalist and Pro.Cannabis.Media CEO Jimmy Young joins the cheesecake & coffee podcast to discuss his sports history, Cannabis, and much more.

Monday May 18, 2020

The powerful Brett Littlewood joins for podcast to discuss UFO's, Life, personal growth during these times, reincarnation, and much more. 

Friday Apr 24, 2020

This week on the The Royal Agreement Series, we will be narrating and doing a read-along to the introduction chapter of my book. The Royal Agreement. This is a self-help book about becoming the best version of yourself. It is currently available on Amazon and Audible. This is a weekly series and new chapters will be released in succession every Friday. Enjoy

Thursday Apr 23, 2020

Arguably the most polarizing president in American history. A short chronicle of the life of president #45.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

What makes you… YOU? If you lost all of your memories, would you still be you? What about your senses? If they created an exact copy of you, would that new you also be YOU?Buckle up, your ego is in for a bumpy ride!

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

The powerful Cannon Winder joins the podcast to discuss the advent of Ai, Robots, The synthesization of LSD, Perseverance, Virtual Reality, and more. @cannonwinder

Monday Apr 20, 2020

For a significant portion of human history, Marijuana has been used for medicinal, spiritual, and recreational uses that date back at least 5,000 years. While many states in the US are just getting around to legalizing the plant for medical and recreational use, there are countries around the world where it still remains banned.

Friday Apr 17, 2020

Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories, China, World Governments, 5G, Media Fear Mongering, And More.



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